Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Two cents worth tour

"School days, School days, dear old golden rule days." One big change in this town has been the school grounds. The opportunity for playing of various sports has grown tremendously. The only sports available when I was in school here was football and basketball for the boys, and just basketball for the girls. The schools buildings themselves has remained recognizable for the most part, which means they are now pretty old. Mercy!

Quite a sports complex now at the school grounds. This one seems worthy of a small college. The track below leads to the oval around the football field.
I think it is great that the track and field sports are now available. I know there is also a good tennis court now. A lot more encouragement for children to do more sports, if they are so inclined.
Looks pretty neat to me.

"Beaver Dusters, Beaver Dusters, Beaver Dusters, Beaver High", the band would play, the crowd would clap in time, the cheerleaders would cheer, and the football boys would do their darnest to win. The stadium and field is named in honor of Coach Tom McVay. He was the coach during my time in high school. His son, Mike, is the coach now.

It used to be that the towns people would come out to all the home games and those who were able also went to the away games. I was suprised that the Beaver folks have become "fair weather fans" and no longer the die hard fans as before. Rah rah ree!
Strategy session. GO DUSTERS!
The sun goes down ! The lights come up! It's Friday night in the big town!

The game goes on!
Baseball and softball complex

Basketball Dome

Primary School, grades K through 2nd.

Elementary school
This is the building where I attended first through sixth grade.
Junior High
My seventh through ninth grades were spent here. The music/band room was below the stage of the auditorium shown on the right side of the picture.

High School
Before this building was built there was a two story building, that building was torn down in the 1960's. I attended my sophmore, junior, and senior years in this newer building. Of course, not so new now.

WOW ! What we would have given for this Music/band building!

So changes have been made and some things have appeared to stayed the same, but life goes on.
The citizens of Beaver have built a walking trail west of the school grounds. It is hoped that a health complex will also be built there. But maybe not??
Walking trail
I guess it is used some - but my sister says you need to carry a stick to fend off snake. It is my theory, if a snake wants it then so be it. I won't be anywhere around there.

OK later!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Green Leaves of Summer

The green grasses of summer. Around here green is a most unusual color especially in July, August, and September. The color most frequently seen is brown, yellow, and other gasping for rain colors. However, this year has been wet, especially in August, the prairie has bloomed.

The pastures are beautiful. Food is plentiful for the various wildlife. I have seen deer, quail, turkeys, and lizards. Thank god no snakes -- I hate snakes!

Picturesque view of a farm. When I was young teenager, I spent many a weekend there. This was a dairy farm of the late Bessie and John Cates, parent in-laws of my sister.

Even the sandhills are green.

John Denver sang, "Country Roads, take me home." I wonder if this was the country road he was thinking of, it is one that comes to my mind when I hear or sing this song.

Even the sage brush is blooming. Sage, milkweed, and sunflowers are seen in bloom.

Micro-Eco systems.

Wide open area-- As Woody Guthrie sang: "This land was made for you and me." I call this God's country.
I like the view of sunsets OK later!