Neighbors like to stop by in the evenings and sit a spell.
Panther and Ebony have adjusted well to the move. Even though we are temporarily living on the main drag, Douglas Ave, in town, they seems to know not to approach that road. In fact here is Panther's favorite place -- so far.
Ebony following me around and checking things out.
I think I may have also brought the Ark of the Convenant.. Can't find anything.
One note of interest, at least to me, the firemen here have a fireworks stand and are selling fireworks. I guess the fourth of July will sound like a small war zone, like it used to be when I was a kid, only without the cherry bombs and tnt.
OK Later.
Hi Kathal, wow great blog!! Loved all the pictures of the house and of the cats!! I miss seeing them in the neighborhood back here in Norman. Course - miss seeing you too! Take care, Jan
Anybody else think it's ironic the fire department is selling fireworks?
The one of Panther sleeping is cuuute!