Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wheat Harvest.

Waving wheat. This is dryland wheat - that is land that does not rely on irrigation.

Close up of dryland wheat. Golden Wheat.

While my sister, two great nephews, and I were driving to Liberal this week, we saw four very large combines coming down the highway. The cutting area on the combines were larger than the two lane road. Huge!!
Combines at work. Still very dirty work, but the cabs are now air conditioning.

Wheat harvest has changed alot - there aren't as many trucks going back and forth to the grain elevator the trucks now are large and the combines can hold as much as a truck.

Pretty Sunset.

Search of the lowly Sand Plum

I love sand plum butter - so I was determined to find some sand plums. I was told because of the late freeze there probably wouldn't be any sand plums this year. Now why would anyone in their right mind want to go out in the wild among the ticks, chiggers, and other critters to find the lowly sand plum?? Me! I love sand plum butter. Here we go out to the country.

Not too far away from town, on the North side of the river.

Wait -- there are some sand plum bushes.. Are there any plums??

Yep!! There's one.
Actually I found more that one, but there isn't an abundance of sand plums. But if I gather a few each day or so - I should have enough to make a batch of sand plum butter. YUM

Friday, June 19, 2009

Temporary Housing

This is the house on Douglas Ave. It is a nice house and does well for me.

Neighbors like to stop by in the evenings and sit a spell.

Panther and Ebony have adjusted well to the move. Even though we are temporarily living on the main drag, Douglas Ave, in town, they seems to know not to approach that road. In fact here is Panther's favorite place -- so far.

Ebony following me around and checking things out.

I think I may have also brought the Ark of the Convenant.. Can't find anything. This is just one of the filled to the brim rooms. I also have two storage places rented. WAAAYYY TOOOO MUCH STUFF!! Garage sale time very soon. I hate garage sales.
One note of interest, at least to me, the firemen here have a fireworks stand and are selling fireworks. I guess the fourth of July will sound like a small war zone, like it used to be when I was a kid, only without the cherry bombs and tnt.
OK Later.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just wondring

Pretty flowers outside the front door.

Do you think I ought to keep this sculpture? It kinda looks like a cow chip?? Or a cow patty??

Interior of orginal house

Isn't the bathroom such a lovely shade of pink - do you think I should keep this color?? NOT
Back bedroom I'll be replacing all the drop ceilings with tin squares. Look like an old farmhouse, but in better shape

Dining room. The door will be the entry to the laundry room. next at the arch will be the entry from the new kitchen.

Front bedroom. In the process of stripping the wallpaper -- come anytime I'll save some wallpaper for you to strip.

Front living room. Can't wait to see the change.

Phelps House Before

The slab where the new kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and den will be. The area where the plywood is covering a large opening. will be where the kitchen and steps up to the dining room will be.

The garage slab where the laundry room will be. The door will be the entry into the laundry area. The window will be gone.
View from the street at the front of the house.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home again

They say you can't go home again. In a way they are right and wrong. I am happy to be back in my hometown after a 40 year absence. I am repairing and adding to my Grandmother's house. I will post the journey and process as time goes on.